Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I know, it's too early, but what the heck

Times, decorations to be different as we move to another house

For some reason, I put on two of my favorite Christmas albums and listened to them earlier this week.

I guess I was in a melancholic mood. Maybe it was because we haven’t planned any major trips this year.

I told my wife the music was easier to listen to that what was on the radio or on the cable channels at the time.

The holiday season, still six months away, is already on my mind.

Decorations won’t be the same this year. We’ll be in another house.

And we won’t see the decorations from our across-the-street neighbor. He passed on.

I’ve got to start thinking about what I am going to do.

I have lots of examples from visiting places such as Bellingrath Gardens in Alabama and Calloway Gardens in Georgia.

Neighbor's house will be different this year
With a number of trees in our yard between the house and street, it won’t be hard doing some of the same things with them.

And although we like to travel, it seems that we’ll be home for most of December, enjoying the holidays and family coming to visit.

Usually, there are “Christmas in July” promotions next month, but I beat them to the punch. 

Well, I think I did. One never knows when the stores will start promoting the birthday of Christ.

Nest post: June 14, 2016

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