Sometimes I am out at night on a trip and don't want to carry one. But after I try to shoot some nighttime shots, and they come up blurry because I can't hold the camera still, I wish I had used a tripod.
But for those who consider themselves to be artistic photographers, we can try to pass off shots that aren't really that good as "art."
Such was the case recently on our second trip to New Orleans within one week. We had taken in Mardi Gras parades on St. Charles Avenue on Sunday and went home that night.
My, how things change. Our favorite hostelry wasn't offering any cut-rate prices on rooms and we had to pay to park. (After all it was the few days following Mardi Gras.)
We tried to justify it. That's the way life is.
The sun was going down, therefore I took along a flashlight to help in the more darkened areas of the sidewalks. We managed the roundtrip without any major issues, except I had taken off my lens cover at the eatery and had to return later to retrieve it.
Wifey opted for a salad. Most of the time she just drinks water.
On the way back we cut off of Frenchmen Street and headed west on Decatur which runs by the Cafe du Monde, another of our favorite haunts which offers beignets and cafe au lait along with chocolate milk.
After getting wifey settled in at the hotel, I headed back to retrieve my camera equipment.
I decided to take a little time and shoot some pictures through the windows of a few juke joints that were offering live entertainment.
I guess he makes a circuit throughout the country, since I saw him passing this way a few years ago.
I was able to hold steady for a number of shots and then the others that you see, well they're just "artistic."
Next post: March 6, 2012