Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Giants dot the forest floor

'I think I shall never see . . . '

And the poem by Joyce Kilmer goes on extolling the joys and tasks of such an edifice as a tree.

On a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains a number of years ago, my wife and I decided on a different route . . . one that would take us to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest which was dedicated on July 30, 1936.

We wanted to experience the huge trees that dotted the area. Reports indicate that some are as old as 400 years. Yellow-poplars are more than 20 feet in circumference and  tower 100 feet into the sky.

There are a number of huge trees in the Smoky's which can be seen on the path that goes a few miles past Laurel Falls. We had heard there were some elsewhere and decided to take a look.

The sidetrip to the area was worth the effort.

The park is located in extreme western North Carolina some 14 miles northwest of  Robbinsville. For more information check out the Graham County page on the Kilmer forest here.

Next post: February 22, 2011

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