Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Weather allows another Big Easy jaunt

The weather finally turned a little cooler along the Gulf of Mexico during November so we decided to include New Orleans and French Market beignets in a trip that ended up in Baton Rouge.

New Orleans is usually rather hot and humid from May to October, so we steer clear unless it is necessary to go to the Big Easy.

I don’t know what it is about the routine of the type of visit we take numerous times during the year, but we do enjoy the time and the food.

The standard routine includes  a reststop at the Jax Brewery building, a visit to the Cafe du Monde and then a walk around Jackon Square.

There seems to always be something new to experience, new species of critters and then signs that profess to provide miracles.

This particular occasion was the first time we were entertained by a couple playing violins. Others gathered around to enjoy the sidewalk concert in Jackson Square. 

I can enjoy all types of music, and this particular couple were geared up toward a more high-brow style.

I just had to ask them if they knew any bluegrass tunes, but the woman didn’t know what I was talking about. Her ascent impressed me as her being from Europe. She sounded kind of French.

Happy Thanksgiving and good luck to those traveling along the Eastern Seaboard this week. It seems the weather is really going to be a bummer.

Our plans include heading out next week and possibly ending up in Gatlinburg for their Christmas parade.

We missed being there when it snowed in October and maybe we'll get a little dusting this time.

Next post: Dec. 2, 2014

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